
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

One year of BYO laptops

There it is - the end of our first year with BYOD .. well BYO laptop to be precise. What do I think I might have learned?
  1. Laptops make a difference.
  2. Staff will shift their practice when they are good and ready, and not before.
  3. Laptops make a difference.
  4. Staff will shift their practice when they can see some advantage to themselves - reduced workload, more efficient work flow and maybe, just maybe, improved learning for their students.
  5. Laptops make a difference.
  6. Many people (staff and students) believe that 'elearning' is delivery using electronic media.
  7. Laptops make a difference.
  8. Many people (staff and students) believe that staff delivering content is true learning.
  9. Laptops make a difference.
  10. Laptops enable engagement in ways not possible without them. Teachers can engage with students in ways that are difficult to achieve without laptops.
  11. Laptops make a difference.
  12. Laptops enable feedback in detail and volume that is very difficult to achieve without laptops
  13. Laptops make a difference.
  14. Life would be incredibly tedious if not boring for any student if all teachers in their lives did the same things with laptops every day.
  15. Laptops make a difference.
Hmmm... is there a theme there? Of course I say all of this with no quantitative data at all to support my arguments. I did say this is what I THINK I have learned. Let's look for the data.

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