
Monday, July 27, 2015

For the greater good ... altruism lives?

I've noted the development of an interesting behaviour amongst boys in my class. Many of them take notes/develop meaning using Google Docs. In economics there are often complex diagrams that are quite a mission to draw electronically. Some will search the web for something appropriate, but increasingly one of them will take out his phone, check with me for permission, and then take a photo of the diagram that we have just constructed on the whiteboard.

The diagram is then tweeted using the class hashtag so that anyone can use it in their own notes. It looks like this:

Boys don't formally take turns, but they do seem to informally share the task around. I think they quite like being the one to do this first.

I rarely give notes these days, but rather have the boys construct meaning that we then test and share. This seems to be  a good tool for the purpose.