
Thursday, August 11, 2016

My new Principalship simile

Sitting in a Secondary Community of learning session today, listening to others tell their inspiring stories, this simile popped in to my head.

Principalship is like being a gardener.

We have to till the soil, plant the seeds, fertilise and water, and provide the trellis up which plants can climb. During the process we are continually weeding and pruning.

There is of course the decision about what sort of garden we are trying to create, and who decides.

Is it this?

Or this?

That's a decision to be taken by the community.

1 comment:

  1. Yes and as a gardener you are making decisions that don't limit the next gardener who comes along. You're constantly looking at the landscape, crops, and seasons; and being flexible enough to see when the soil has lost all its goodness, needs resting, or crops rotated. You are the steward of the garden but you don't own the land. You listen to its rhythms of the whenua and the people who shape it.
